Welcome to
St. Alban's Anglican
Church Wilston
Leading People Into a
Growing Relationship
with Jesus Christ.

Meet the Clergy
Reverend Max Lambourne
We are so excited to be
connecting with you!
If you are searching for a church home, we invite you to come and be a part of all that is happening at St. Alban's Anglican Church Wilston.
Whether you live locally or are joining us from further afield it is our prayer that as you connect with us today, you will encounter God’s amazing grace, your faith will be strengthened, and you will find hope for today and for the days to come.
St. Alban’s is a Christian community providing a loving and spiritual environment in which to embrace, explore and experience faith, in order to serve our community, where there is a place for everyone.
Service times
From 29th December 2024 - 2nd February 2025 inclusive, there will just be a single service of Holy Communion at 8am on Sundays.
1st Sunday
8am Holy Communion followed by shared breakfast
2nd Sunday
7am Holy Communion
9am Holy Communion with Sunday School
3rd Sunday
7am Holy Communion
9am Holy Communion with Sunday School
4th Sunday
7am Holy Communion
9am Family Communion with All Age Talk
5th Sunday (where applicable)
7am Holy Communion
9am Holy Communion with Sunday School
Easter Services
6:30pm Maundy Service – Thursday
6:30pm Tenebrae Service of shadows – Good Friday
8am Easter Communion – Easter Sunday
Christmas Services
5pm Crib Service – 24th December
11:30pm Midnight Mass – 24th December
8am Christmas Communion – 25th December
Covid Safe Plan
St. Alban’s is a fully compliant Covid-safe church site. For your safety the following is in place before every public act of worship.
Worship with Us from Home
We offer a great online service experience. If you are traveling, not feeling well, or feel more comfortable live streaming, we respect your decision and we encourage you to join us by worshipping online at on our Facebook LIVE STREAM. You can submit prayer requests, give online, and stay connected.
Join our Facebook page where we stream our service weekly and keep you up to date on events happening at the St. Alban's.

St. Alban's Family
Nestled in the inner northern city suburb of Wilston is the Parish of St. Alban's Anglican Church. Traditionally St. Alban’s has celebrated the November anniversary of the laying, in 1928, of the foundation stone of what is now St. Alban’s Parish Church.
But the parish has much earlier roots. On the 12th September 1914, the then Archdeacon of Brisbane, the Venerable Henry Frewen LeFanu, opened and dedicated a new School-Church “henceforth to be know as St. Alban’s Wilston”.
Since that time, St Alban’s Wilston has been open for public worship. Celebrating Weddings and Baptisms, conducting Funerals, sharing in Holy Communion and offering Sunday School, teaching and outreach to the wider community.
These things, though perhaps slightly changed in format, continue to this day and there is a great sense of maintaining history and tradition, as well as embracing a new future in our pattern of worship and use of liturgy.
On the following pages of our website you will find information about St. Alban’s Wilston, some of the things we do and some ways in which we may be of help to you, whether through special services like Weddings, Funerals, or Baptisms, through regular Sunday services, prayer, or just by providing a quite space to sit, think and reflect.
Know that you are always welcome and always have a place here with us!